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Pinewood Derby Tungsten Alloy Disc

Why Use Pinewood Derby Car Tungsten Alloy Disc ?

Tungsten is a metal with one of the highest densities is 1.7 times heavier than lead. Only gold, platinum, and a few other rare metals have a similar density. Having more concentrated weight means having more control over weight placement in your car to achieve the center of mass that you are targeting. Tungsten is also non-toxic and environmentally friendly so it is safe for children and adults to handle and work with. Tungsten disc is one kind of pinewood derby kits.

The Size of Pinewood Derby Car Tungsten Alloy Disc

Pinewood derby car tungsten disc as pinewood derby kits is a single 2.8, 3.6, 3.8, or 4oz disc for easy fast weighting of Pinewood Derby, racing car weights. The tungsten discs measures 1" dia x .38" minimum up to .52" thick getting thicker with the heavier weight. You can use tungsten putty to fine tune the weight.

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 tungsten alloy disc pinewood derby tungsten disc pinewood derby
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How Tungsten Alloy Disc Works?

Pinewood derby cars are gravity-powered vehicles. They start the race on a sloped track held back by starting pins. When the pins drop, the cars roll down the sloped track towards the finish line, guided by rails. Most tracks are built with a transition from the sloped starting section to a long flat section. On these tracks, cars must complete the flat section while maintaining as much speed as possible. Weight to volume ratio of tungsten disc is essential here as pinewood derby kits,. Maximal energy is generated without creating additional air drag.

We could offer pinewood derby kits as pinewood derby weights,including tungsten disc,tungsten alloy cube,tungsten alloy cylinder,tungsten alloy ball and tungsten alloy canopy.

If you have any interest, please feel free to email us: or call: 0086 592 512 9696, 0086 592 512 9595. We are at your service.

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