This page provides a list of general terms that are used to describe aspects of radiation science. Below is the radiation shielding terms and definition.
Scattered radiation
Scintillation detector
Sealed source
Sievert (Sv)
Somatic effects of radiation
Source material
Source term
Special nuclear material
Stable isotope
Stochastic effects
Survey meter
Terrestrial radiation
Thermoluminescent dosimeter
Unstable isotope
Uranium fuel fabrication facility
Uranium hexafluoride production facility
Waste, radioactive
Weighting factor (WT)
"effective dose." The goal of this process was to develop a method for expressing the dose to a portion of the body in terms of an equivalent dose to the whole body that would carry with it an equivalent risk in terms of the associated fatal cancer probability. It applies only to the stochastic effects of radiation.
Whole-body counter
Whole-body exposure
Wipe sample
"swipe or smear" sample.
X rays
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