Home >> Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield >>Tungsten Eye Shield

Tungsten Eye Shield

Tungsten is superior to lead as a material for eye shields due to its higher density and lower atomic number (Z). Using 6- and 9-MeV electrons, tungsten provides the necessary protection for the lens and cornea of the eye and decreases the amount of backscatter to the eyelid above the shield.

The Tungsten Eye Shield can use either the 0.5 mm or 1 mm thick anodized aluminum cap (both are included with each tungsten eye shield) to reduce the electron backscatter to the eyelid. The eye shield can be used without the aluminum cap when placed superficially.

Recommendations based on transmission values: The 2 mm tungsten eye shield should be used for 6 MeV, and the 3 mm tungsten eye shield should be used for 9 MeV. These tungsten eye shields are not recommended for use above 9 MeV.

Tungsten Alloy Eye Shielding Photo
Tungsten Alloy Eye Shielding Photo
Tungsten Alloy Eye Shielding Photo

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