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Tungsten Stopper

What Is Tungsten Stopper?

Tungsten alloy is suitable material for radiation shielding, because of tungsten stopper combination of radiographic density (more than 60% denser than lead), good machiability, good corrosion resistance, high radiation absorption (superior to lead), simplified life cycle and high strength. Tungsten stopper can provide the same degree of protection as lead whilst significantly reducing the overall volume and thickness of shield and containers. Moreover, compared with lead and depleted uranium, tungsten alloy is more acceptable in this case, for it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly material.

Advantages of Tungsten Stopper

Experts find that radiation exposure could be reduced by maxing shielding. The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. High density means better stopping and shielding. Due to high density, tungsten alloy has a much higher stopping power than lead. Its greater liner attenuation of gamma radiations means than less is required for equal shielding. Alternatively equal amounts of tungsten stopper provide diminished exposure risks than equivalent lead shielding.

Why Use Tungsten Stopper?

Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials such as lead and boron carbide, tungsten stopper provides excellent density with small capacity. At the same weights, tungsten alloy can provide the same energy absorption as lead using 1/3 less material. When the weight is certain, more density, and the thickness would be thinner. Tungsten stopper could be made with thinner thickness but high absorption of radiation in high density. That is why tungsten alloy material is suitable for radiation shielding. Tungsten stopper is better than lead materials for it is non-toxic.

During design of tungsten alloy radiation shielding, tungsten stopper is calculated according to requirements of shielding to abate the multiple shielding materials' thickness.
Formula: K=e0.693 d / △1/2
K: Shield weakened multiple
△ 1/2: The shielding material of the half-value layer values
d: Shielding thickness, with the half-value layer thickness of their units, you need to half-value layer thickness of the quality of translation into the thickness of the material, divided by the density of the material can be obtained.

Tungsten stopper is widely used in medical and nuclear industry. Tungsten stopper can be used as radiation container, multi-leave collimator, plasma accelerator shielding, etc.

Our clients across the world are taking advantage of tungsten stopper properties. If you need to protect yourself, your patients and your equipment from the harmful effects of excess radiation, you have come to the right place!

If you have and interest in tungsten stopper, pleas free to contact us by email: or call: 0086 592 5129696.

Related Links: Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding| Tungsten Radiation Shielding Application| Tungsten Nuclear Radiation Shielding
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