Home >> Tungsten Alloy Military Fittings >>Tungsten Alloy Block for Military Defense

Tungsten Alloy Block for Military Defense

Tungsten alloy block for military defense is actual the tungsten alloy counterweight used for military defense, such as guns, prefabricated fragments, and the counterweight of military weapons. The block has high melting points, which is twice as dense as steel, and weigh 50 percent more than lead. The most important thing is that the counterweight required for military defense at low volume is high. Its density range is 6.5g/cm3~19.0g/cm3, strength range is 700pa~1000pa, and it has good corrosion resistance, good weldability, good machinability and low thermal expansion.

As with all of our materials, our tungsten alloy block begins as metal powder, is pressed into ingots, sintered, and then rolled. The process enables us to tailor the product to meet specific customer material and/or performance requirements to ensure optimal performance in your application. We also precision machines WHA parts for use as ballast weights, radiation shields, boring bars, ordnance components, and other components that require high density and good ductility.

Tungsten Alloy Block for Military Defense Images

tungsten alloy block for military defense image  tungsten alloy block for military defense image  tungsten alloy block for military defense image 

If you have any interest in tungsten alloy block for military defense, please feel free to contact us by email: or by phone: 86 592 5129696.

Address: 3F, No.25 WH Rd., Xiamen Software Park Ⅱ, FJ 361008,China
Phone:+86-592-5129696, +86-592-5129595;
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